The use of CAD (computer aided drafting) is now a standard operation in most surveying organizations. It can be implemented as a simple drafting tool or a complex technology.  It is A.R. Divers' philosophy that all technologies be optimized to their greatest potential. It is with that commitment that A.R. Divers has developed advanced cad standards and procedures.

The process begins in the field with the coding and stringing of data, where points are given simple codes that will be used by the CAD system to identify and interrelate with other points. A prototype drawing is created with standard layers containing line types, colors, and line weights. Also, point descriptors and figures are created to dictate a standard symbol, layer and point layer for each collected point. When the data is initially entered into the data collector lines are begun and ended, this allows for the automatic connection of such points as back of curb or flow lines in the drawing as the points are imported.

This system greatly enhances the work product and reduces errors and the time spent identifying field points. Once the raw data is imported and configured sophisticated drafting software is utilized to computer generate contours and label lines. The import of standardized blocks, notes and border sheets furthers the process to a complete, accurate and timely electronic map.

For Symbol charts, please click the links below.

Monument Symbols    Topographic Symbols